
1 Chicken breast,

-skinned and boned 2 T Corn starch

3 T Soy sauce

1 T Sherry

1 Garlic clove, minced

3 T Oil

1 T Sesame seeds, toasted

1/2 lb Bean sprouts

1 Green onion bunch

1 T Ginger root (fresh),

-slivered Slice onions, separate white from green parts. Cut chicken into thin narrow strips. Combine about 1 T cornstarch, about 1 T soy sauce, and sherry with garlic in dish, mix with chicken and set aside. Blend remaining 1 T cornstarch, remaining 2 T soy sauce and 1 cup water; set aside. Heat about 1 T oil in a wok. Stir fry chicken for one minute; remove and set aside. Heat about 2 T oil in the wok. Add bean sprouts, white part of onion and ginger. Stir fry for 3 minutes. Return chicken to wok; add soy sauce mixture, green onions and sesame. Bring to boil, cook till thick. Serve over noodles or rice. NOTES: * Quick Asian-style chicken breast. Yield: Serves 2-3. : Difficulty: easy to moderate. : Time: 20 minutes. : Precision: approximate measurement OK. : Katherine Rives Albitz : Hewlett-Packard, Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA : hplabs!hpfcla!hpcnof!k_albitz : Copyright (C) 1986 USENET Community Trust

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