
1/2 c Butter

1 c Sliced scallion

5 tb Flour

2 1/2 c Chicken stock

1/2 c Clam juice

1/2 c White wine

1/2 c Heavy cream

1/2 ts Basil, dried — -??

1 t -Chopped fresh Basil

3 c Cooked crab & shrimp mixed

1/2 c Grated Parmesan or Romano

1 c Sliced mushrooms

1 lg Garlic clove — minced

8 oz Vermicelli

– broken into 2″ lengths – cooked and drained Salt Freshly ground pepper

Heat a large skillet; add 1/4 cup butter; when foam subsides, saute scallions until soft; stir in flour, coating well; whisk in stock, clam juice, wine, cream basil and seafood; stir in 1/4 cup cheese and set aside; saute mushrooms in the remaining butter; add garlic, cooking to aroma; combine with seafood mixture and season with salt and pepper; add pasta and mix well; pour into a buttered 9 X 13 baking dish; top with remaining cheese; bake in a preheated 375F oven for 15 minutes.

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