
1/2 C warm water

2 pkgs yeast

2 Tbsp. sugar

1 pkg instant vanilla pudding(3 1/2oz.)

2 C milk — room temp.

1/2 C butter — melted

2 lg. eggs — beaten

1 tsp salt

8 C all-purpose flour

1 C butter — melted

2 c brown sugar

2 Tbsp. cinnamon — (2 to 3)

4 oz. cream cheese — softened

1/4 C butter — softened

1 tsp. vanilla

2 C powdered sugar

2 Tbsp milk

In small bowl combine water, yeast & sugar. Stir until dissolved, set aside. In large bowl, mix pudding with milk. Add 1/2 C melted butter,egg & salt. Mix well, then add yeast mixture & blend well. Gradually add flour and knead until smooth, adding a little more flour if needed ( this is a soft dough). Place in a very large greased bowl. Cover & let rise until double in size.Punch down & cover and let rise again. Roll dough out on a large floured surface to a rectangle, about 34×21″ in size. Brush the 1 C melted butter over dough. Combine brown sugar & cinnamon and sprinkle over butter. Roll dough up & cut into about 20 rolls (i use dental floss to cut rolls easily). Pat each roll as you place it into a large greased pan (this helps keep rolls in shape). Let rolls rise in a warm place about 20 minutes. Bake in a preheated 350 deg. oven for 20-30 minutes, until done. Frost rolls while still warm. Beat cream cheese & butter until smooth, beat in vanilla and milk. Add powdered sugar & beat until smooth. Frost rolls while still very warm

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