
1 lb Idaho Pinto beans

1/4 lb Diced salt pork

1/2 c Sliced onion

1 Bay leaf

8 oz Can tomato sauce

1/2 c Catsup

1/2 c Molasses

1/4 c Brown sugar

2 tb Cider vinegar

1 t Salt

2 ts Dry mustard

Soak beans according to directions. Add salt pork, onion, bay leaf and salt. Cover and simmer 1 hour. Remove bay leaf. Drain and reserve 1 cup liquid. Add reserved liquid and remaining ingredients. Cover and bake at 325 degrees for 3 to 4 hours. Serve with baked spareribs. Garnish platter with parsley and spiced crab apples. Makes 6 to 8 servings. HINT: Add tomatoes, vinegar or other acid additions when beans are nearly tender so softening of beans does not slow down. Copyright IDAHO BEAN COMMISSION P.O.Box 9433…Boise, Idaho 83707 <Electronic format by Karen Mintzias>

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