
1/4 lb Bacon

1/2 c Oil, walnut

1 ea Romaine, head

2 bn Watercress

3 ea Endive, heads

2 oz Vinegar, wine, red

2 oz Vinegar, raspberry

8 sl Bread, French, cubed and

— rubbed with garlic Salt (to taste) Pepper (to taste) Cut bacon into rough pieces and cook for 3 to 4 minutes; it should not color. Put greens in a bowl and add oil and bacon drippings, tossing to coat. Deglaze bacon pan with wine vinegar and reduce slightly. Pour this over the salad and add raspberry vinegar. Add croutons and toss. Correct seasoning. Serve. Source: Great Chefs of New Orleans, Tele-record Productions : Box 71112, New Orleans, Louisiana – 1983 : Chef Daniel Bonnot, Louis XVI Restaurant, : Marie Antoinette Hotel, New Orleans

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