
1 1/2 Sticks of butter or

Margarine 1 1/2 c Flour

3/4 c Chopped pecans

8 oz Cream cheese

1 c Powdered sugar

2 Small containers of

Cool Whip 2 Small boxes lemon

Instant pudding 3 c Milk

1. Cream the butter and flour. Add the pecans and press into the

bottom of a 9×13-inch pan. Bake for 25 minutes. Cool. 2. Meanwhile, mix the cream cheese, and powdered sugar. Stir in one

container of Cool Whip. Spread on cooled crust. 3. Mix the pudding mix and the milk until thick. Spread on top of the

other stuff. Sread the other container of Cool Whip on top. 4. Cover and chill over night. Can also be frozen. Cut into squares.

This recipe was given to me by my step-mother-in-law.

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