
3 tb Lime juice

2 tb Orange marmalade

3 tb Avocado oil

Salt & pepper 3 tb Hot water

2 sm Heads romaine, shredded

12 ea Radishes, thinly sliced

2 ea Seedless oranges, peeled &

— thinly sliced 1 sm Avocado

Combine lime juice, marmalde, oil, salt & pepper in a blender & process until creamy. With the machine running, slowly add the water & process till creamy. Set aside. Line a shallow bowl with lettuce. Alternate circles of radish & orange slices over the top. Cover & refrigerate. At serving time, peel, pit & cut avocado into 1/2″ dice. Add to the top of the salad & drizzle with dressing. Serve immediately, as is or tossed. Yamuna Devi, “Yamuna’s Table”

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