
1 c Chocolate Wafer Crumbs

3 T Margarine, Melted

1 ea Env. Unflavored Gelatin

1/4 c Cold Water

16 oz Soft Cream Cheese

3/4 c Sugar

1/3 c Cocoa

1/2 t Vanilla

2 c Mini Marshmallows

1 c Whipping Cream, Whipped

1/2 c Chopped Nuts

Combine crumbs and margarine; press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Bake at 350 degrees F., 10 minutes Soften gelatin in water; stir over low heat untl dissolved. Combine cream cheese, sugar, cocoa and vinilla, mixing at medium speed on electric mixer until well blended. Gradually add gelatin, mixing until blended. Fold in reamining ingredients; pour over crust. Chill until firm.

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