
3 Parsnips (1 1/2 lb)

3 Carrots (3/4 lb)

3 Beets (3/4 lb)

1 Celery root (3/4 lb)

3 Onions (1 1/2 lbs), peeled

2 1/4 c Olive or salad oil

3/4 c Carrot juice

1 ts Ground curry powder

1 ts Dijon mustard

1 tb Seasoned rice vinegar

1/4 lb Peeled fresh horseradish

-very thinly shredded (opt) Salt and pepper Halve parsnips and carrots by cutting crosswise, then cut each half lengthwise in half. (Cut any large pieces in half again lengthwise.) Cut beets, celery root, and onions into 11/2″ thick wedges. Place all vegetables in a 11×17″ roasting pan. Add 1/4 cup oil and mix well. Bake 400F oven until vegetables are well browned and tender when pierced, about 1 1/2 hrs; stir occasionally. Cool to room temp. If making ahead, cover and chill up to 1 day. Bring to room temp. before serving. Carrot Vinaigrette. Mix together 1 tbsp. of remaining oil, carrot juice, curry powder, mustard, and rice vinegar. If making ahead, cover and chill up to 1 day. Fried Horseradish. Heat remaining olive oil to 350F in 2-3 qt. pan on medium heat-high heat; maintain heat. Add 1/3 of the horseradish shreds;cook until golden brown and crisp, 25-35 sec. Remove with a slotted spoon ; drain on paper towel. repeat to cook remaining horseradish. season with salt and pepper. If making ahread, cool completely, wrap airtight, and store at room temp. up to 6 hrs. To assemble the salad, pour vinaigrette onto a large flat serving platter or into a large bowl. Arrange roasted vegetables decoratively over it. Sprinkle with horseradish. From Sunset Magazine. Serves 6-8.

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