
12 lb Turkey

Salt and pepper 4 c Bread stuffing

1. If turkey is frozen, it may be defrosted by placing it in the

refrigerator overnight or until thawed. 2. Wash turkey and sprinkle inside cavity with salt and pepper.

3. Stuff turkey loosely. Tie legs together. Tie wings and legs to body.

4. Invert a heat-resistant, non-metallic saucer or small casserole cover

in a shallow, heat-resistant, non-metallic baking dish. 5. Place turkey breast-side-down on saucer.

6. Heat, uncovered, for half of cooking time, 3 minutes per pound. (A total

of 36 minutes.) 7. Turn turkey breast-side-up and continue cooking covered with a paper

towel for the remaining half of the cooking time, 3 additional minutes per pound. 8. Insert a meat thermometer into fleshy portion of the turkey, not

touching any bones. It should register 160?F. DO NOT PLACE THERMOMETER IN MICROWAVE OVEN. 9. If temperature is not 160?F, return turkey to Microwave Oven for an

additional few minutes until correct temperature is reached. 10. Let turkey stand covered with aluminum foil at room tempe- rature 20 to

30 minutes to finish cooking. The internal tempe- rature of the turkey

should be 170? F. after standing.

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