
——————————-CRUNCHY CRUST——————————- 1 c Grape Nuts cereal

2 tb Oil or melted butter

1 tb Apple juice

———————————-FILLING———————————- 3/4 c Apple juice

2 tb Agar flakes

1 c Low-fat ricotta cheese

2/3 c Plain nonfat yogurt

1 pn Ground ginger

1/4 ts Ground nutmeg

1/2 c Sliced strawberries

TO MAKE CRUST: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Oil bottom and sides of a 9″ springform pan. Place Grape Nuts in a blender and process until finely ground. Place crumbs in a small mixing bowl. Blend oil and one tablespoon apple juice into crumbs to moisten. Moisten fingers with water and pat crumb mixture into bottom of pan. Bake for 8 minutes, remove from oven and set aside to cool. TO MAKE FILLING: Bring apple juice to a boil and whisk in agar. Reduce heat and simmer until agar is dissolved, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside to cool for one minute. (If let sit too long, will solidfy.) Combine agar mixture, cheese, yogurt and ginger in a food processor and blend until very smooth. Pour into crust, sprinkle with nutmeg and chill for 2 hours or overnight. Serve cheesecake garnished with sliced strawberries.

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