
1 md Onion, chopped

2 Cloves garlic

1 cn (14.5 oz.) stewed tomatoes

1 cn (15 oz.) black beans, rinsed

And drained 2/3 c Water

1/2 ts Oregano

1 1/2 c Minute Brown Rice

Saute onions and garlic in a small amount of liquid (the original recipe called for oil, but I just used a little water) until tender. Stir in tomatoes, beans, water, and oregano. Bring to a boil. Stir in rice. Return to boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Let stand 5 mintes. That’s it! ENJOY!! 🙂 From: Michele <KAMSW@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU>Fatfree Digest [Volume 9 Issue 15] July 6, 1994 Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@Prodigy.com

using MMCONV

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