
1 cup flour

1 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons baking powder

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 cup milk or more

2 eggs — lightly beaten

3/4 cooked long grain rice

1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

1/4 cup sliced scallions

Whisk flour, salt and baking powder together and set aside.

Whisk olive oil, milk and eggs and set aside. Preheat the griddle. Combine the dry and wet ingredients and fold in eggs, rice, cheese and scallions; if batter is too thick, thin it with more milk.

Drop about 1/4 cup of batter onto a griddle and cook for 3 to 4 minutes per side until cooked through.

Serve with a black bean stew.

Busted by Gail Shermeyer <4paws@netrax.net> on May 24, 1997

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