
150 grams brown rice — *

1 vegetable bouillon cube

250 grams Brussel sprouts

1 red bell pepper

100 grams Leerdammer cheese

2 eggs — beaten lightly

3/4 teaspoon basil

2 tablespoons creme fraiche

5 sprigs chives — for garnish

– – – – Optional Cashew Garnish – – – – 100 grams cashews

1 1/2 tablespoons honey

1 knifepoint sambal — about 1/4 tsp

* Original recipe called for broken white rice, which cooks faster. I used round brown rice instead.

Start rice cooking with bouillon cube. Warm grill [or oven] to highest.

Clean the sprouts. Cook in boiling water [?or steam] for about 10 min. Meanwhile, wash the bell pepper and chop it. Add to the sprouts and cook another 5 min, till both are done. Drain.

Grate about 1/4 of the cheese; slice the rest.

Into the rice, stir the sprouts and bell pepper, eggs, basil, grated cheese, and creme fraiche. Turn into a flat casserole dish or two individual dishes. Top with sliced cheese. Put under the grill for about 5 min, until the cheese is melted. Top with chives. Serve with cashew garnish.

To make cashew garnish: In a small saucepan or skillet over medium-high heat, stir together cashews, ho ney, and sambal, about 5min.

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