
1/2 c Tamarind liquid*

2 T Oil

2 lb Beef; lean boneless chuck

1 md Onion; chopped

4 Garlic clove; minced or

-pressed 1 T Ginger, fresh; chopped

1 T Coriander, ground

1 Cinnamon stick

1 ts Cumin, ground

1 ts Chili paste

1/2 ts Pepper

1/2 ts Cloves, ground

1/2 ts Anchovy paste

2 1/2 c Coconut milk

Rice; cooked * In a bowl, combine 1/3 cup hot water and 2 1/2 Tbsp packaged tamarind pulp or 4-5 inch long whole tamarind pod (shell and coarse strings removed). Let stand for 30 minutes. Knead pulp from seeds: discard seeds. Prepare tamarind liquid using 1/2 cup hot water and 1/4 cup pulp. Set aside.

Heat oil in a wok or 5-quart kettle over medium-high heat: add meat, a few pieces at a time, and cook until browned on all sides. Lift out a onion is soft. Add coriander, cinnamon stick, cumin, Chili Paste, pepper, cloves, and shrimp paste (if used). Cook, stirring, until seasonings are well combined. Return beef to kettle; stir to coat with spice mixture. Stir in tamarind liquid and coconut milk. Bring to a boill then cover, reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer stirring occaisonally, until meat is very tender when pierced and sauce is very thick and almost dry (1 1/2 to 2 hours). Remove from heat and discard cinnamon stick; spoon off and discard fat from sauce. Serve with rice. — per Larry Haftl Fidonet COOKING echo —–

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