
1 1/2 cups milk

3/4 cup grated Swiss cheese

3/4 cup grated Cheddar cheese

1 chopped onion — sauteed

1/2 cup chopped fresh or frozen — up to 3/4

broccoli 1/2 cup chopped fresh or frozen — up to 3/4

cauliflower 1/2 cup sliced fresh mushrooms

3 large eggs

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

9 ” pie crust — (Pillsbury’s premade

— is great)

Optional: 3/4 cup tuna, ham, turkey, crumbled bacon or sausage (cooked meats) t o make a complete main course. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare 9 inch pie shell, at least 2 inch deep. Scald milk; heat and add cheese, stirring until me lted. Remove from heat and beat in 1 egg at a time. Add salt and pepper. Put ve getables and meats (optional) in shell; pour egg mixture into shell. Bake until golden brown and firm, approximately 45-55 minutes. Cool and serve near room t emperature. Recipe from “One Million Recipes CD”

busted by Judy R.

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