
3 pk Ramen noodles, uncooked

3 c Finely shredded cabbage

1/2 c Thinly sliced celery

1/2 c Finely shredded Cheddar

1/2 c Diced carrot

1/4 c Vegetable oil

2 tb White vinegar

2 ts Sugar

2 ts Seasoned salt

1/2 ts Dry mustard

1/4 ts White pepper


Prepare Ramen noodles according to package directions but do not add spice packets; drain. In large bowl combine noodles, cabbage, celery, cheese, and carrot. In small bowl blend oil, vinegar, sugar, seasoned salt, dry mustard, and pepper. Add to noodle mixture; toss to coat. Chill thoroughly. Toss gently and sprinkle with paprika before serving.


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