
2 c Flour

1 t Salt

1 Egg, beaten

2/3 c Shortening

8 T Cold water

3 c Raisins

1 c Nuts

1/4 c Citron (optional)

1/4 c Honey

1 t Vanilla

1 t Cinnamon

3 T Grape jelly

1 Egg, beaten

Dough: Mix flour and salt, cut in shortening, add egg and water to form pastry dough. Shape into a ball and let rest, covered.

Raisin Filling: Chop or grind raisins, nuts and citron. Add honey, vanilla, and cinnamon. Mix well, then add enough jelly to moisten. Roll dough thin, cut into 4″ circles. Place 1 T filling on each circle. Fold to form half circle, seal edges. Make 3 slits on top, brush with beaten egg. Bake at 450 degrees for 18-20 minutes.

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