
1 lb raisins

3 c sugar

1/4 c shortening

2 ea egg, well beaten

1 *pastry

1 1/2 c water, cold

2 c flour

1 c milk

2 ts baking powder

This recipe makes enough filling for 2 pies. Wash and clean raisins and add the cold water and 1 1/2 cups of sugar. Cook until raisins are tender and plump. Set aside to cool. Mix the flour, 1 1/2 cups of sugar and the shortening, crumbling well with the finger tips. Take out one cup of these crumbs and set aside. To the remaining crumb mixture add the eggs and milk, and mix well. Stir in the baking powder. Line two large pie pans with pie pastry, and fill with cooked raisins, pour over this the batter and sprinkle the top with the cup of reserved crumbs. Bake at 440-F for 10 minutes; reduce heat to 350-F and finish baking about 35 minutes.


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