
2/3 oz Good-quality semisweet

-chocolate 2 oz Good-quality unsweetened

-chocolate 2 c Heavy or whipping cream

3 Eggs, separated

1/4 c Confectioner’s sugar

1/2 c Praline paste

1/8 ts Salt

1/4 c Brown creme de cacao

1 tb Unsalted butter, melted &

-cooled to room temp 1 tb Brewed espresso or very

-strong coffee, cooled Calories per serving: Number of Servings: 8 Fat grams per serving: Approx. Cook Time: Cholesterol per serving: Marks: *DIRECTIONS +++* 1. Break both the chocolates into chunks and place them in the top of a

double boiler over simmering water. Heat until melted, stirring occasionally. Set aside and cool to lukewarm. 2. Whip the cream until it is stiff and doubled in volume. Set it aside.

3. Beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks. Then add the

confectioners’ sugar 1 T. at a time, beating constantly until the whites are stiff but not dry. Set them aside. 4. Combine the praline paste, salt, and creme de cacao in a large mixing

bowl. Stir well, and add the egg yolks. Whisk until smooth. 5. Add the melted butter, espresso and melted chocolate to the praline

paste mixture, and blend thoroughly. Then, using a rubber spatula, fold in the whipped cream. Finally, very gently, fold in the egg whites. 6. Spoon the mousse into individual bowls or a large serving bowl. Cover

and refrigerate for 8 hours before serving. Source: “The New Basics Cookbook,” Julee Rosso & Sheila Lukins

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