
1 c Ground pecans; about 1/3

-lb. shelle 1/2 c Unbleached flour

1/2 ts Finely grated lemon peel; ye

1/4 c Unsweetened finely flaked co

1 Egg white; room temp

1/4 c Maple syrup; room temp

1/2 ts Vanilla

1/2 c Pumpkin puree

Combine pecans, flour, lemon peel & coconut in med bowl. Tip egg white into another med bowl & beat with hand mixer till soft peaks form. Gradually beat in syrup & vanilla, then fold into pecan mix, adding pumpkin as you go. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper & drop rounded teaspoonfuls onto it. Let relax at room temp 30 min. Preheat to 300. Bake mid-oven till just beginning to brown, 25-30 min. Let cool on rack till completely cool. Store tightly covered.


cookies. Posted on Prodigy by Kim Clegg. —–

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