
-JEFF ENGLE (NTPM20B) 1 c Corn Meal; (Mixed Fine

-& Course) 1 c Rye

1 c Whole Wheat

3 ts Bran

1 1/2 ts Salt

1 1/8 c Water

3 tb Molasses; honey; or sugar

1 1/2 tb Dry milk; or dry buttermilk

1 1/2 ts Brotgewurtz; (a German

-mixture of anis; fennel; -and corriander – either -whole seed or ground) 1 1/2 ts Yeast

1 1/2 tb Olive Oil

1 tb Instant Coffee

1 tb Cocoa

This gives a dark bread; fairly moist, with lots of texture. There is also a pumpernickel recipe online on the cookbook section! Good luck – and let me know how you like this, if you try it. Jeff/Fresno Formatted by Elaine Radis

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