
15 Potatoes,medium

Water 3/4 c Salad oil

1/3 c Vinegar,cider/wine

1 3/4 t Salt

3/4 t Pepper

6 Pears,medium

1 Romaine lettuce head,large

1. In 8-quart saucepot over high heat, heat unpeeled potatoes and enough

water to cover to boiling. Reduce heat to low; cover, simmer 25 to 30 minutes, until potatoes are fork-tender. 2. meanwhile, in large bowl, with wire whisk or fork, mix salad oil,

vinegar, salt, and pepper. 3. When potatoes are done, drain; cool potatoes until easy to handle. Peel;

cut potatoes into 1/8″-thick slices. Thinly slice pears. Add potatoes and pears to dressing; toss gently until well coated. 4. Line salad bowl with lettuce leaves; spoon mixture onto lettuce. Serve

warm. Or cover and refrigerate to serve chilled later.

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