
1 1/2 pt Carrots; peeled, diced

1 1/2 pt Celery; trimmed, diced

3 oz Butter;or margarine

3 qt Russet Potatoes;

-peeled, diced 3 tb Flour

1 1/2 ts Fennel seed

3/4 ts Black Pepper

3 qt Chicken Stock;prepared

1 1/2 c Scottish Ale

1 1/2 pt Milk

1 1/2 lb Cheddar Cheese; sharp

-shredded Saute carrots and celery in butter until tender. Add potatoes, flour, fennel and pepper: saute 1-2 minutes. Add stock; cook 20-30 minutes until vegetables are tender and potatoes break up. Add ale and boil gently for 10 minutes. Add milk: heat thoroughly. ROmove from heat and cool to 180oF or lower. Stir in Cheese. Adjust seasoning with salt. Portion 12 oz into bowl. Garnish with shredded cheese. Serve with bread. From: Bert Grant,owner Grant’s Brewery Pub Yakima Washington first published in “Restaurants & Institutions” Magazine Posted by: Rick Grunwald

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