
—–BURGER—– 10 oz Frozen, chopped spinach

1 lg Potato

1 md Onion

1 md Bell pepper

1 c French-style frozen gr.beans

1 tb Garlic powder

1 tb Dried chopped onions

1/2 ts Paprika

1/2 c Barbecue sauce

1/2 c Bread crumbs (seasoned if

Desired) 1 1/2 c Quick rolled oats

1 t Seasoned salt

1 t Vegetable broth powder

—–VEGAN YEAST “CHEESE—– 1/4 c Nutritional yeast flakes

1/4 c Unbleached white flour

1/2 ts Sea salt

1/4 ts Garlic powder

1 c Water

1 tb Non-dairy margarine

1/3 ts Prepared mustard

Thaw spinach in microwave. Microwave potato until completely cooked and then finely chop. Finely chop onion and pepper and soften in microwave. Mix all ingredients together thoroughly in large mixing bowl. Form into thin patties (the thinner the better) and fry in a lightly oiled iron or “no stick” pan. Serve on kaiser roll with sauteed onions, dill pickle slices, ketchup, Nayonaise and Vegan Yeast “Cheese” spread. Vegan Yeast Cheese: Mix dry ingredients in sauce pan. Whisk in water. Cook over medium heat while whisking until mixture thickens and bubbles. Cook 30 seconds more. Remove from heat. Whip in margarine and mustard. Let cool slightly. Another entry in the “Build a Better Burger Contest” sponsored by the North American Vegetarian Society. Since entering the contest, the contestant has reworked his recipe, eliminating the green peppers and green beans, reducing the rolled oats to 1/2 cup, adding 1/2 cup corn meal, and replacing the seasoned salt and vegetable broth with tamari, dijon mustard, tarragon, basil and parsley. The recipe was entered in the contest without the vegan yeast cheese. Submitted by Keith Zimmer, Milan, MI From _Vegetarian Voice_

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