
2 tb Defatted chicken stock

1/4 c Finely chopped onion

1/4 c Chopped mushrooms

1/2 ea Small apple, peeled and

Chopped 1 tb Raisins

1/2 sl Whole wheat bread, crumbled

1 tb Chopped parsley

1 ds Each salt & pepper

1/4 ts Italian herbs

2 ea 1 inch thick pork loin chops

1/2 c Unsweetened applesauce

Boiling water 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees f. 2. In small skillet heat chicken stock

and saute onion, mushrooms and apples until translucent. 3. In a small bowl or cup pour boiling water over raisins Set aside a few minutes until raisins are “plumped.” Drain. 4. Stir in raisins, bread crumbs, parsley and seasonings into mixture in skillet. 5. Cut a deep pocket in each pork chop. Fill with stuffing and secure with wooden picks. 6. In skillet coated with non-stick spray, brown chops quickly on both sides. 7. Place chops side by side in small baking dish. Pour in a little water (just enough to cover bottom of dish.) 8. Cover and bake 35 to 45 minutes, or until done. 9. Serve chops with applesauce.

To complete menu: Steam and mash 1 1/2 small potatoes and 1/2 cup sliced green beans. NOTE: To make your own applesauce, just peel, core and slice an apple and cook in 2 Tablespoons of water with a dash each of cinnamon and cloves. Mash apple when tender, and VIOLA! instant apple sauce. DAM CARDS: 1 Bread : 3 Meat : 1 Vegetable : 2 Fruit ~- * OLX 1.52 * Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular. ~– WM v3.10/92-0662 * Origin: NWCS Online + 18 Nodes + 13 Gig + (503) 620-5910 + (1:105/362.0)

=========================================================================== BBS: Ned’s Opus Date: 02-28-94 (02:42) Number: 201 From: JOANNE DANZER Refer#: 200 To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: DAM/WW RECIPES Conf: (7) Dieting

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