
3 c white flour

1 t Salt

1 c Warm water

Vegetable oil

Combine the flour and salt; stir in enough warm water so that the dough pulls a way from the sides of the bowl & is no longer sticky. Stir till smooth. Knead f or 5 minutes. Shape dough into rectangle & cut in half lengthwise. Divide into 12 portions and shape into smooth balls. Cover with damp balls and let

rest 5 to 10 minutes. Press each ball flat & roll into a 6″ or 7″ circle. Cover with damp towels. Lightly oil a griddle or skillet. Gently stretch each round as thin as possible. Cook until brown & bubbly spots appear on the bottom, about 90 seconds. Turn over & brown the other side. Remove from griddle and wrap im mediately in towels.

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