
8 eggs — beaten

1/4 cup cold water

3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese — grated

1/4 teaspoon salt

3 large basil leaves — (fresh) chopped

1 1/2 cups piperade*

1 tablespoon olive oil

3 tablespoons ham — finely diced

Pepper — to taste 1/2 cup chunky tomato sauce — (optional)

Beat together eggs, water, cheese, salt and basil. Stir in piperade. Heat oil in 10- to 12-inch nonstick skillet. Add ham; saute over medium-high heat for 2 minutes. Cook until set on bottom. Reduce heat to medium. With spatula, lift edges of fri ttata so uncooked egg runs underneath. Cook until set, 1 to 2 minutes. Continue lifting and cooking until egg is completely set and lightly browned on underside. Flip frittata and brown top side, about 2 minutes. Transfer to platter; dust with pepper. Cut into 4 wedges. Top with tomato sauce, if desired.

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