
1 Med Cabbage Head

1/2 C Long-Grain Rice — uncooked

1 Lb Pork Sausage

1 16 Oz. Can Sauerkraut

1 16 Oz. Can Tomatoes

6 Lean Pork Chops

Salt And Pepper — to taste

Wash and place cabbage leaves in boiling water for 5 minutes and drain. Mix sausage and rice; roll up in cabbage leaves; fasten with toothpick. Place rolls in bottom of large pan in a nest of extra cabbage leaves. Brown pork chops. Pour tomates and sauerkraut over cabbage rolls; then add browned pork chops. (Liquid should cover it.) Salt and pepper to taste. Cook 4 hours over low heat, covered tightly.

Serves 6

Source: “Mountain Measures” — Junior League of Charleston, WV ed. 1974


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