
4 lb Small mushrooms

4 c Boiling water

1 1/2 tb Salt

———-marinade———- 1 3/4 c Water

15 Peppercorns

2 Bay leaves

2 1/2 tb Salt

3/4 c Sugar

3/4 c Vinegar

Cut the mushroom stems off at the cap level. Place the heads in boiling salted water. Simmer till they sink to the bottom. Strain. Boil marinade water with peppercorns and bay leaves for 30 minutes. Add salt and sugar. Stir till dissolved. Add the vinegar, bring to a boil. Place the mushrooms in small jars. Cover with hot marinade. Close the jars. Keep refrigerated. Use for canapes and salads, or as appetizers. Yields 4 1 fluid pint jars.

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