
2 Pheasants, dressed

Bacon strips 2 tb Onions, grated

1 Egg, hard-cooked

1/4 c Butter, melted

1/4 c Sour cream

Salt to taste Pepper to taste Preheat oven to 350?F. Sprinkle salt and pepper on outsides of birds. If they have been skinned, place bacon strips over them. Bake in a covered roasting pan in 1/2 inch of water for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. You want the meat to fall from the bones. Cool: remove all meat and put through the fine blade of a meat grinder or use metal blade of food processor to mince finely. Add 1 tablespoon grated onion, egg and butter. Mix in sour cream to thoroughly moisten mixture and make it spreadable. Add salt and pepper; mix well and pack in tightly closed jars and refrigerate or freeze.

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