
-Barb Day 16 oz Cream cheese — softened

3/4 c Sugar

2 Eggs

1 tb Lemon juice

1 t Vanilla

24 Vanilla wafers

21 oz Cherry pie filling

Beat cream cheese; sugar, eggs, lemon juice and vanilla until light and fluffy. Line muffin tins with paper baking cups, and place a vanilla wafer in the bottom of each. Fill each 2/3 full with the cream cheese mixture. Bake at 375 degrees 15 to 20 minutes, or until set. Top each with about 1 tablespoonful of the pie filling. I use different pie fillings, and sometimes more than one when making a recipe, they look very nice on frilly paper doilies, with the different colors of toppings. If you make marzipan, some green marzipan leaves look pretty on top, and at times I have made some little chocolate doodle figures to use with these. Barb Day

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