
1/2 small onion — diced

2 cloves garlic — diced

1/3 cup fresh cilantro — diced

1/2 tablespoon butter — or oil

2 tomatoes — diced

6 perogys — 2 of which are diced

dash of tabasco

In your favourite soup cooking dish (preferably something with a nice thick base), melt butter/heat oil or medium-high heat. Add onion, garlic, and cilantro and fry until soft. Add tomatos. Turn heat down to just below medium. Fry some more, for a minute or so, then add 1.5 cups of water. Take 2 of the perogys and chop ’em up into little bits. Add all of the perogys to the soup, and a small dash of tobasco. Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Enjoy.


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