
6 c Onions, minced

2 tb Olive oil

1 tb Butter

1 1/2 tb Flour

3 Eggs

1/2 c Half & half

1/3 c Plain yogurt

1 ts Salt

1/8 ts Fresh ground pepper

1/8 ts Ground nutmeg

1/2 c Grated Swiss cheese

12 -18 thin slices of

-pepperoni 1 8-inch partially baked

-pastry shell Saute onions with oil and butter in heavy skillet over low heat until well done, stirring often. Do not brown. Sprinkle with flour and continue cooking slowly about l-2 minutes. Cool well. Beat eegs, add half&half, yogurt, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Add to cooled onions. Sprinkle half the cheese on bottom of prebaked pastry shell and fill with egg-onion mixture. Arrange pepperoni slices on top. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake for 10 minutes at 450, reduce heat to 300 and bake 20 minutes longer.


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