
3 lb tender cut of beef (alcatra)

1/4 lb bacon

1/4 lb beef

1 tablespoon chopped parsley

1/4 tablespoon thyme

1 clove garlic — minced

1 bay leaf

2 tomatoes, peeled and seeded — chopped

1 large onion — chopped

1 carrot — julienned

1 cup dry white wine

1 1/2 cups beef broth

salt and pepper — to taste

1. Slice beef into 6 equal size steaks. 2. Pound them thin. 3. Grind the rest of the meat along with the bacon, parsley,garlic.salt , pepper and thyme in the food processor. 4. Season steaks and place the ground filling in the one side. Roll them up and tie with strings or close with toothpicks 5. Brown rolls,3 at a time in oil and transfer to a plate. 6. Discard fat in pan. Add 2 tbs oil and cook onions in it until soft. Add tomatoes and carrot, cook 2 minutes. 7. Add rolls and bay to pan. Pour beef broth and simmer 1/2 an hour. Pour the wine and bring to boil. 8. Turn down heat and simmer until tender, adding more broth as needed, about 1 to 1 1/2 hour. Check salt.

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