
3/4 c -hot water

1/2 c Molasses

1/4 c Milk

2 c Whole wheat flour

1 c All-purpose flour

3/4 c Sugar

2 tb Baking powder

1 t Baking soda

1 t Salt

1 1/2 c Coarsely chopped pecans,

-dry roasted

In a medium-size bowl combine the hot water and molasses, stirring until well blended. In a large bowl sift together the flours, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. With a rubber spatula, fold the liquid mixture and the pecans into the dry ingredients just until flour is thoroughly incorporated; do not over mix. Spoon into 12 greased muffin cups. Bake at 300 degrees F until down, 45 minutes to 1 hour. Serve hot. Nutritional info per serving: 280 cal; 5g pro, 45g carb, 10g fat(30%), 3.7g fiber, .7mg chol, 499mg sodium Exchanges: 2.9 bread, 1.8 fat Source: K-Paul’s Restaurant, New Orleans, La Cook’s Corner, Miami Herald, 12/28/95

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