
Vegetable shortening Flour 1 1/4 cups Seedless strawberry jam

1/2 pint Whipping cream

3 tablespoons Sugar

1 package (12 oz) frozen blueberries

Partially thawed —–TOOLS—– Loaf pan Mixing bowl Spoon Wire cooling rack Mixer Ziploc bag 2 small Serving bowls


With an adult’s help, preheat oven and mix cake according to package directions.

Grease and flour a loaf pan. Pour a half inch layer of batter into the pan. Then, using a spoon, glop several lines and small pools of blood (jam) over the batter. Repeat until you put one final layer of batter covering all signs of jam. You should have a Bake according to package directions. After removing from pan, allow to cool 35-40 minutes.

Beat the whipping cream until stiff peaks form. Add the sugar, then whip for another minute. Using a spoon, gently swirl 2 tablespoons of the extra blood into the whipped cream and refirgerate until ready to serve the cake.

Palce the partially thawed blueberries in the ziploc bag. Seal and lightly pound the berries until they are squished, but not complete mush. Pour into a bowl, add two tablespoons jam and mix well.

Slice and arrange the cake on a platter. Place the bloody whipped cream and bllueberry blood clots beside the platter for guests to use as toppings. Serves 8-10 psycho scientists. Sicko servign suggestions: Garnish your platter with a garland or little flowers made of blood splattered sterile guaze bandages.

From the Book: Gross Grub by Cheryl Porter Random House ISBN 0-679-86693-0 Shared by Carolyn Shaw 10-95 1 pk (16oz) pound cake mix with ingredients listed on box


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