
Wheat: 3/4 lb Soaked wheat *

1 ts Salt

1/2 c Scalded milk

1 ts Sugar

1/4 c Minced glace citron

1/4 c Orange peel

Pasta frolla: =(flaky sweet pastry) 2 c Sifted all-purpose flour

A pinch salt 1/2 c Sugar

1/4 c Butter

3 Egg yolks

1 tb Milk

Filling: 3 c Ricotta cheese

1 1/2 c Sugar

6 Egg yolks; beaten

1 ts Vanilla

A dash cinnamon (optional) Grated rind of one lemon 1 tb Orange flower water; (1 to

-2) Or 1/2 tsp orange extract 4 Egg whites; beaten stiff

Confectioner’s sugar Variations ** Recipe by: NAFY67C@prodigy.com (DEBORAH EPSTEIN) * drained and weighed after soaking. (If soaked wheat is not available, dry wheat may be soaked as follows: cover dry wheat with cold water adn boil 15 minutes or until husks crack open. Remove from heat and soak 24 hours) Prepare WHEAT: Place drained wheat in covered saucepan and cover with 3 cups water. Add salt and boil 1 hour, stirring frequently to prevent sticking. Drain wheat, add milk and sugar, and boil an additional 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add citron and orange peel, mix and allow to cool.JM SEE PART 2 —–

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