
26 ounces pasta sauce

15 ounces black beans, canned — rinsed and drained

10 ounces frozen chopped spinach

10 ounces angel hair pasta — up to 12

Fat Free Parmesan cheese

Put water on to cook pasta and cook pasta . Meanwhile – over medium heat in a large saucepan heat your favorite pasta sauce. Defrost spinach on high for 3 to 4 minutes in the microwave (or leave in refrigerator to defrost in the A.M.). Drain most of the liquid and add spinach to the sauce. Rinse and drain the black beans and add to sauce. By this time the water should be boiling – so cook and drain the pasta. Add to the sauce and mix. Serve with Parmesan cheese. Leftovers taste just as good. This is what I cook when I get home really late and need to have dinner on right away.

Posted to fatfree digest V98# 94 by “Richard M. Swanson” <sharpy@sedona.net> on Apr 4, 1998, converted by MC_Buster.

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