
4 tb Salt

1/2 lb Green fettuccine

1/2 lb Regular egg fettuccine

1/3 c Olive oil

1/2 c Finely chopped purple onion

3/4 lb Snow peas

1/3 lb Sugar snap peas

3/4 lb Sliced prosciutto, coarsely

Julienned 2 Ripe plum tomatoes

2 Sweet red peppers, finely

Julienned 8 Scallions, cut in 1/2″ pcs.

1/2 c Chives, basil or other fresh

Herbs Black pepper to taste 4 tb Raspberry vinegar

1/4 c Parmesan cheese

1 Black olives

Grated zest of 1 orange, Lemon or lime

Bring 4 qts water to a boil; add 2 tbls salt and stir in fettuccine. Cook until tender but still firm; drain immediately. Transfer the pasta to a large bowl, add the olive oil and chopped onion; toss gently. Let cool to room temp. Bring another 4 qts water to a boil. Add 2 tbls salt and the peas. Cook for 1 min., drain and immediately plunge peas into ice water. Let stand 10 min; drain and pat dry. Add peas to pasta along with prosciutto, tomatoes, red papper, scallions and chives or herbs to taste. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle on raspberry vinegar to taste, and toss gently. Toss the pasta primavera with the parmesan. Arrange on serving platter. Scatter olives and citrus zest over the pasta and serve at room temp. Recipe By : The Silver Palate Cookbook

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