
1/4 lb Bacon, chopped

Garlic clove, finely minced 3 x Eggs, lightly beaten

1 c Parmesan

Milk or heavy cream 1/2 lb Pasta

Put water on to boil pasta. In another large pot, cook the bacon until browned. Add garlic, stir once, remove from heat. Cook pasta, meanwhile, beat eggs, cheese and milk or cream. The consistency should be like wallpaper paste. You may need to add more milk or cheese since some cheese will absorb more liquid. Put bacon pan back on the heat, drain pasta and add to pan. Toss well. Pour egg, cheese mixture over pasta, bacon mixture. Toss. The heat of the bacon and pasta will cook the egg mixture into a creamy sauce. Add lots of fresh ground pepper. Suggestions: Add slivers of proscuitto or plain deli ham, and/or saute thinly sliced mushrooms with the bacon.

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