
1 c Pinto beans, soaked

3 c Water

1 Bay leaf

5 Garlic cloves, peeled &

— mashed 1 ts Salt

1 ts Marjoram

1 ts Oregano

1 c TVP granules or flakes

1 tb Ketchup

7/8 c Hot water

1/2 c Chopped onion

1 tb Olive oil

3 lg Shiitake mushrooms soaked in

— 1 c hot water 2 tb Mirin sauce

1 tb Soy sauce

1/4 ts Black pepper

1 ts Mace

Combine beans, water, bay leaf & garlic in a large pot. Bring to a boil & cook for 70 to 80 minutes till tender. Remove bay leaf & drain beans. Stir in salt, marjoram & oregano. Combine TVP, hot water & ketchup. Set aside. Saute onion in olive oil till soft. When mushrooms have soaked for 15 minutes, remove & slice into 1 inch strips about 14 inch wide. Set aside. Combine beans, onion & TVP mixture in a food processor along with mirin, soy sauce, pepper & mace. Blend till smooth. Fold in the mushroom strips. Pack mixture into a lightly oiled 1-quart mold. Cover with foil, place in a pan of hot water & bake at 350F for 1 hour. Remove from oven. Place a plate on top of pate & weight down till the pate becomes firm. Let cool in the fridge. Turn out onto a plate to serve. Serve as a spread on thin slices of melba toast or crackers. VT February 1992 Posted by Mark Satterly

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