
1 sm Sockeye salmon, 4-5 lbs.

1 Lemon — sliced

1 sl Bacon

1/2 c Light Karo syrup

1 c Ketchup

1 md Onion — sliced

1/2 ts Salt

1/2 ts Pepper

1/2 ts Garlic powder

Remove head and tail from salmon and fillet. Place one-half skin side down on a large sheet of foil in a baking pan. Add spices and layer with lemon, onion, and bacon. Mix syrup and ketchup; pour `./2 of this mixture over the fillet. Place second fillet flesh side down over the first; pour rest of sauce over all. Seal with the foil and bake 30- 40 minutes at 400 E Fish will flake easily with a fork in the thickest part when it is done. Do not overbake. Serve hot; oven baked potatoes or corn would make a good accompaniment with a green salad. Serves 6. Source: Alaska Seafood Cookbook Reprinted by permission from the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute

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