
2 Tbsp. margarine

1/4 Tsp. black pepper

1 Tbsp. soy sauce

2 Tbsp. cornstarch

1 Lb. fresh spinach — washed

4 Cloves finely minced garlic

1 Medium onion — minced

1 Pkg. Ramen noodles — (3 oz.)

3 C. chicken or pork broth

3/4 Lb. unseasoned ground pork

Saute garlic and onions in margarine in a heavy soup kettle until golden. Add broth and bring to boil. Combine ground pork, pepper, cornstarch and soy sauce in bowl and form 3/4-inch balls. Drop into boiling broth; cover and simmer 10 minutes until meatballs are no longer pink in center. Add noodles and cook 2 minutes. Add spinach; cover and simmer 1 minute, until barely wilted. Serve.

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