
1 lb Lean ground beef

2 md Onions, finely chopped

1 c Chopped celery

10 1/2 oz Can mushroom soup

10 1/2 oz Can cream of chicken soup

1 c Water

1/2 c Uncooked rice

1 T Soy sauce

1/4 t Pepper

1 cn Chow mein noodles

1/2 t Monosodium glutamate (opt)

1. Crumble meat into a deep, 2-quart, heat-resistant, non-metal- lic

casserole and heat, uncovered, in Microwave Oven 5 minutes or until meat is browned. Stir after half of cooking time. 2. Add remaining ingredients to meat mixture. 3. Cover and heat in Microwave Oven 20 minutes or until mixture is hot. Uncover, and heat for an additional 5 minutes.

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