
-JUDI M. PHELPS (BNVX05A) 1 1/2 c All pupose flour

1/4 c Sugar

2 ts Baking powder

1/2 ts Salt

1/3 c Almonds or walnuts; chopped

1/4 c Raisins; chopped

2 tb Orange peel; grated

1 Egg; beaten

1/2 c Orange juice

2 ts Vegetable oil

Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a mixing bowl. Stir in nuts, raisins, and orange peel. Combine beaten egg, orange juice and oil. Pour into flour mixture. Mix only until flour is dampened and fruits and nuts are well distributed. Turn into a greased (8 x 4-in) loaf pan. Bake in a 350 degree oven 40 minutes until cake tester comes out clean. Let cool in pan 10 min; turn out of pan and cool completely on rack. Wrap in waxed paper and store overnight before slicing. Each serving: 1 slice, about 1/2-inc thick.

1 bread or starch choice, 1/2 fat choice

14 g carbohydrate, 2 g protein, 3 g fat, 91 calories


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