
3 1/4 cups to 3 3/4 cups bread flour or all-purpose — flour

1 package active dry yeast

1 1/4 cups warm water, — (120-130 degrees)

1 tablespoon olive oil or cooking oil

1 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cups chopped onion, — (3 medium)

2 cloves garlic, — minced

2 tablespoons olive oil or cooking oil

1 cup sliced pitted ripe olives and/or — snipped–

–oil-packed dried tomatoes, drained; — (optional) 2 tablespoons snipped fresh rosemary or 2 teaspoons — dried

rosemary– –crushed

In a large mixing bowl stir together 1 1/4 cups of the flour and the yeast. Add warm water, 1 tablespoon oil, and the salt to the dry mixture. Beat with an electric mixer on low to medium speed for 30 seconds, scraping sides of bowl constantly. Beat on high speed for 3 minutes. Stir in as much of the remaining flour as you can. Turn dough onto a lightly floured surface. Knead in enough remaining flour to make a stiff dough that is smooth and elastic (8 to 10 minutes total). Shape dough into a ball. Place in a lightly greased bowl; turn once. Cover and let rise in a warm place till double (about 1 hour). Punch down. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Divide in half. Shape each into a ball. Place on 2 lightly greased baking sheets. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes. For the topping: in a medium skillet cook onion and garlic in the 2 tablespoons oil, covered, over low heat for 3 to 5 minutes or till onion id translucent, stirring occasionally. Uncover, cook and stir just till onion begins to brown. Remove from heat. If using olives, stir into onion mixture; set aside. Using your hands; flatten each ball into a circle about 12 inches in diameter. With your fingers, press 1/2-inch deep indentations about 2 inches apart on surface. Spoon onion mixture on top. Sprinkle with rosemary. Cover and let rise in a warm place till nearly double (about 20 minutes). Bake in a 375 oven about 25 minutes or till golden. If using dried tomatoes, sprinkle atop bread during last 5 minutes of baking. Remove from baking sheet; cool on wire racks. Makes 2 rounds (24 servings).

VARIATIONS: BLUE CHEESE AND WALNUT FOCACCIA — Prepare as directed, except omit the onion, garlic, olives, tomatoes, and rosemary. Instead, brush shaped dough with the 2 tablespoons olive oil or cooking oil. Sprinkle with 1 1/2 cups chopped walnuts and 1 cup crumbled blue cheese or shredded Swiss cheese. Continue as directed.

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