
1 Large onion, diced

1/2 lb Fresh mushrooms — diced

1/4 c Oil

4 1/2 c Water

1 t Garlic powder

1/2 ts Dried basil

1/4 c Nutritional yeast

1/2 ts Seasalt

1/3 c Soy sauce

1/4 ts Oregano

1/2 ts Thyme

5 c Old fashioned

rolled oats Saute the first four ingredients in a covered saucepan. While they are sauteeing, bring to a boil all the other ingredients except the oats. Lower heat, add the sauteed vegetables, and add the oats, one cup at a time, sallowing each cupful to sink a little before stirring gently. Cook up to five minutes–until mixture starts to stick to bottom of pot. Set aside to cool. It’s much easier to form the patties if the mixture has cooled at least 10-15 minutes. Form into patties, place on oiled cookie sheet, bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. Turn once after about 20 minutes. Makes about 20- 25 burgers. Oatburgers lend themselves to many variations. Some further suggestions are dill, parsley, celery, green or red peppers in placeof the mushrooms. (From _Vegetarian Cooking for a Better World_, by Muriel Collura Golde, MA, MS, MLS, published by NAVS)

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