
1/4 c Cloud ears

1/4 c Golden needles

1/4 lb Pork, shredded

-into matchstick size 3 tb Cornstarch

2 ts Sherry

1/2 c Water

3 tb White-wine vinegar

White pepper to taste 1/2 ts Hot oil

2 ts Sesame oil

4 c Chicken stock

Salt to taste 1 tb Soy sauce

2 Bean curds,

-each cut in 8 pieces 1 Egg, beaten

2 Scallions, chopped

Soak cloud ears and golden needles in hot water about 15 minutes or until noticweably increased in size;

drain. Shred cloud ears. Cut golden needles in half. Combine pork with 1 tablespoon corn starch and sherry. Mix 2 tablespoons cornstarch with water; set aside Combine vinegar, pepper, hot oil, and sesame oil in bowl; set aside. Bring chicken stock, salt, and soy sauce to boil in large soup pot. Add pork; boil 1 minute. Add cloud ears, golden needles, and bean curds; boil 1 minute.

Add cornstarch mixture; stir until thickened. Lower heat. Add vinegar mixture. Taste; adjust seasoning if necessary. Slowly stir in egg. Garnish with scallions. Smile (from 1001 Oriental Recipies)

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