
————————————BASE———————————— 1 3/4 c All-purpose flour

3/4 c Sugar

1 ts Baking powder

1/2 ts Salt

3/4 c Margarine or butter;softened

———————————-FILLING———————————- 1 1/4 c Powdered sugar

1/2 c Mashed potato flakes

1/2 c Water

1 ts Cinnamon

1/2 ts Cardamom

1 Egg

1 Tube (7 oz) almond paste

————————NUTRITIONAL INFO PER SERVING———————— 120 x *Calories

2 x *Gm Protein

15 x *Gm Carbohydrate

6 x *Gm Fat

6 x *Mg Cholesterol

85 x *Mg Sodium

55 x *Mg Potassium

Heat oven to 375. Lightly spoon flour into measuring cup; level off. In large bowl, combine flour and remaining base ingredients; blend until crumbs form. Press half of mixture in ungreased 13×9″ pan. Reserve remaining mixture for topping. In large bowl, combine all filling ingredients; blend well. Spread over base; sprinkle reserved mixture over filling. Bake at 375 for 25-30 minutes or until light golden brown. Cool completely; cut into bars. (Source: Pillsbury Classic #122 – April 1991) (MM’d by Nancy Hagfors – GXDB48A on Prodigy; N.HAGFORS on GEnie)

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